News from Endurocide - The Place for Infection Control Products

News & Blogs

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BLOG curtains2
26 Jul 2024
Understanding the Resin Identification Code System and Recycling Polypropylene Disposable Curtains in Hospitals
GoJo have withdrawn their range of hand sanitisers from the UK and European market. Fortunately, we have a solution: Enduro Hand Sanitiser.

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25 Jun 2024
Understanding the complexities of carbapenem-resistant pathogens
This article explores understanding carbapenem-resistant pathogens and how Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains can aid in infection prevention.

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NEWS curtains 2
7 Nov 2023
New study published in USA recommends use of antimicrobial curtains
An independent study carried out by a US military hospital evaluated whether Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains can reduce pathogen contamination on curtains and so reduce the potential for HAI transmission. It also compared the annual cost difference between using Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains and traditional cotton curtains.* *

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5 Nov 2021
Endurocide® Curtains are at the forefront in the global fight against COVID-19 in Singapore & South Africa
Endurocide Antimicrobial Plus Curtains, with their tested & proven performance against over 22 pathogens, including Coronavirus, has made them the curtain of choice for hospitals & governments during this pandemic. This article explores two recent installations in Singapore & South Africa.

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NEWS NHS green
24 Aug 2021
Endurocide® Curtains are available on the UK’s NHS Supply Chain for 9th consecutive year!
Brief update on all the Endurocide Curtains we have available on the NHS Supply Chain, as part of their new framework going live on 4th October 2021.

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BLOG flammability
17 Aug 2021
Understanding the importance of choosing Alcohol-FREE, water-based skin sanitisers
This article explores the risks associated with Alcohol hand sanitisers and why you should make the switch to alcohol-free, water-based skin sanitisers instead.

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BLOG testing slide PINK
2 Jun 2021
How do you choose the right Sanitiser or Disinfectant?
In the current pandemic it’s never been more important to choose the right surface disinfectant or hand sanitiser and with so many products on the market how can you choose correctly? This article offers you a guide of what factors you should consider before buying any disinfectant or sanitiser.

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NEWS curtains+covid
5 Mar 2021
How Endurocide® Curtains can help you in the fight against COVID-19
Brief exploration into the testing behind our Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains and their importance for use in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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7 Dec 2020
Exploring our range of disinfection products, ideal for Fogging Machines
In these unusual times, it is important to ensure you have the correct disinfection product & application method to meet your needs. This blog explores the use of fogging machines and which Endurocide® product to use depending on your industry.

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30 Sep 2020
Understanding the role of effective Disinfection in Infection Control
This article explores the different pathogens prevalent in hospital & medical settings and what level of disinfection products need to offer to be effective in providing Infection Control.

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27 Jul 2020
NEW Coronavirus testing just issued
Ensuring our range of disinfection products remain at the forefront during this ongoing pandemic, we are pleased to advise of new Coronavirus testing results just issued for our Surface Disinfection Range.

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news COVID brochure2
19 Jun 2020
NEW Brochure released
We remain committed to helping you & your business maintain effective hygiene & infection control standards and have brought together our top Decontamination Solutions in one brochure to help you know which product to use, no matter your industry.

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2 Oct 2019
Why the future of food hygiene is Quat-FREE
A brief exploration into the importance of moving away from Quat-based products in the food hygiene sector and how our new quat-free QFD cleaner & disinfectant has you covered.

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NEWS measles
19 Sep 2019
NEW results against Measles & Candida for our Endurocide® Hospital Curtains.
As part of on-going commitment to continually developing & enhancing our Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains, we are proud to advise of new important pathogen testing results just in.

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BLOG hands
20 Jun 2019
Are alcohol-based hand sanitisers the only option?
Brief exploration into alcohol-based sanitisers and when & how alcohol-free sanitisers can actually be a better choice to protect your hands against infection.

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NEWS curtain code
25 Apr 2019
Ordering our Curtains just got even easier…
Introducing our new Curtain Order Code Selector to make it even easier to order your curtains and select from the various colours & configurations we have.

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BLOG quats
5 Apr 2019
Why you should move away from Quats in the Food Industry
This article explores the issues with Quats and why if you’re in the Food Hygiene Industry you should be moving to Quat-free solutions instead.

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NEWS PrintedHospitalCurtain01
19 Nov 2018
World-first! Introducing Printed designs on Antimicrobial Hospital Disposable Curtains
Introducing our new Endurocide® Printed Curtains – a world-first with printed designs now available on disposable hospital curtains effective against spores, bacteria & fungi!

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BLOG curtains1
23 Nov 2017
Do Endurocide® Curtains need Safety Data Sheets?
This article explores why Safety Data Sheets are not needed for our Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains.

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NEWS curtains testing
23 Nov 2017
NEW results against mycobacteria for our Endurocide® Hospital Curtains!
As part of on-going commitment to continually developing & enhancing our Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains, we are proud to advise of new important pathogen testing results.

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BLOG log reductions
27 Aug 2017
Log Reductions – a Beginner’s Guide
This article offers you a guide to better understanding Log Reductions. It explores why its important to understand the science behind Log Reductions and how they apply to test results and descriptions products use. This guide will help you confidently choose the best product to meet your disinfection needs going forward.

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14 Feb 2017
Changes to our Enduro Hand Disinfectant Range
This article explores the recent changes to European legislation requiring the withdrawal of Enduro Hand Disinfectant in Europe and explains how this product continues to be available for sale in the rest of the world.

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BLOG hands1
19 Dec 2016
Alcohol vs Alcohol-FREE Hand Sanitisers – helping you choose
This article offers you a guide to better understand the differences between alcohol-based and alcohol-free hand sanitisers and how to choose depending on your needs.

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BLOG kids1
16 Dec 2016
Are Hand Sanitisers safe for Children?
Hand sanitisers are increasingly becoming a commonly used item in the home. This article gives a brief overview of the checks and measures you should consider before using hand sanitisers on or around children.

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NEWS generic GREEN
24 May 2016
Major independent review of Endurocide® Curtains published in the American Journal of Infection Control!
We’re pleased to announce a new major independent peer-review study examining the effectiveness of our Endurocide® Antimicrobial Plus Curtains over a 24-month period has just been published in the prestigious American Journal of Infection Control.

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25 Mar 2016
New NHS trial demonstrates impressive results for Enduro Hygiene Wipes
A recent UK NHS trial has just been published showing the overwhelming effectiveness of Enduro Hygiene Wipes against traditional Detergent Wipes.

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BLOG kids2
27 Feb 2015
What could happen if a child licked/sucked a curtain?
This blog explores possible scenarios or probabilities of what could happen if a child was to lick or suck an Endurocide® Antimicrobial & Sporicidal Curtain.

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Biocidal Products Regulation 2
9 Nov 2014
Keeping you up-to-date on the BPR process...
A quick overview of the BPR, its role in the Europe Union (EU) & Great Britain (GB) and how it affects the products you buy from us.

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30 Oct 2014
Understanding CE marking and why Endurocide® products don’t have it
This article explores CE marks and when & why they may be used or required and explains why they aren’t necessary for Endurocide® products in the UK.

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NEWS archive
Archived Stories
Older stories for your reference.

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